Commercial Construction Contractors & Consultants
Dear Potential Contributor,
At Fallon Contracting & Consulting we strive to protect the environment live in by prioritizing green building and construction. We believe that, as people, we share the world we live in, not only with each other, but with the wildlife and vegetation that consumes our natural habitats and we want to do our part to conserve the environment by all means necessary.
While we are making great strides in our efforts to conserve our environment, protect the wildlife where we build, recycle our materials and ensure proper waste disposal, down to your very community, we have miles to go!
With your contribution we can continue to pursue our mission, that's why we would like you to consider contributing to our goals and efforts to protect your environment, one jobsite at a time, one home at a time, one business at a time.
One of the first things that your financial contribution will go towards is educational scholarships for extraordinary contractors, hungry to pursue their education to focus on our overall mission; environmental conservation in construction. We strive to find more energy efficient means of building safer, non-toxic homes! We strive to find more energy efficient means of building safer, non-toxic homes! We plan to offer a GED Internship Program to entry level contractors or technicians that have no prior education and can be guided from our highly advanced professionals.
This also includes the higher education of civil engineering, architecture, construction, renewable energy and continuing education projects. Our future goals include expanding to wind and solar energy. With your contributions we can research renewable energy and hire the most qualified applicants to reach our future goals that include expansion into more communities and many states!
We hope to expand into Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin by the end of 2023 to provide our services to more clients and customers who can significantly benefit from energy efficient inspections, home repairs and remodels that will be updated to code, and these little things can save renters or homeowners thousands a year, and possibly save their lives. Outdated wiring causes fires, and having someone come and asses that your home, your parent's home, your children's home, your loved ones are protected from outdated residential coding. We hire, train, and continue to educate our professionals to ensure our clients homes are safe, and energy efficient!
We keep saying "energy efficient" but what does that even mean?
The Department of Energy defines it as "Energy efficiency is the use of less energy to perform the same task or produce the same result. Energy-efficient homes and buildings use less energy to heat, cool, and run appliances and electronics, and energy-efficient manufacturing facilities use less energy to produce goods."
With that being said, not many construction companies focus on the best practices of building for longevity to the structures, the residents health, the toxic chemicals that they use during the building process, and we this is how we want to be different! We want to educate our clients on how they can they can protect their living spaces and their families today and for the future!
That's why at Fallon Contracting & Consulting we take construction extremely serious because the way we recycle building materials and waste, the way we utilize green building, the way we are dedicated to a higher level of education for our professionals to service our clients, and the way are on a mission to create renewable energy projects and research is every reason why your contribution will not only help those who we provide our services for but hundreds who need employment, thousands who need extremely serious home repairs and renovations. For every contribution we will also use a percentage of it to a host a monthly in need project, where we find one person in the community to provide a free home repair job for, which will be posted on our social media pages and projects page as well so that you can stay up to date with our initiatives and see where your contributions are going!​
Nicole Burtchell
CEO & Founder
Some our Valued Contributors
We Empower
Professional Growth & Educational Opportunities